To FSC Parents and Spectators:

After hundreds of hours of planning and training, we are ready once again to begin playing outdoor soccer. As parents and spectators, we ask – and expect – you to play an important role in the success of this season. Beyond supporting all of our exciting players, volunteering your time, and supporting our outdoor tournament in July, we need one more thing: Your consistent display of positive, good sportsmanship, cheering and behavior!

As adults, we must set the example of Best Behavior for our players and other young fans. FSC has enjoyed a reputation of good sportsmanship in general; however, our sidelines have gotten louder and less positive in the last year or so. In fact, in each of the past two years a derogatory remark from a parent has resulted in a suspension from the soccer club.

This sort of thing – and worse – has also happened in clubs around the league too. The league has taken notice of this and adopted a policy whereby inappropriate incidents (involving players, coaches or spectators) will be dealt with by the RDYSL board as per league Rules and Regulations. The league is serious and FSC wholeheartedly supports this action. These actions include: Suspensions, other penalties, fines, club & player probation up to and including removal from the league.

We need your help to remain one of the classiest clubs in youth soccer!!


Cheer only in a positive way “Nice Ball”
“Great Play”
“Good Hustle”

“Let’s go Fairport” “Hurray”

Remember, in the end it’s only a game.

Help your fellow parents and follow the Do’s and avoid the Don’ts.



Don’t make any remarks to the referee or comment about his/her calls during the game.

Don’t negatively address opposing players, parents, or coaches before, during, or after the game.

Don’t voice any negative comments or belittling “cheers” during the game

Don’t involve yourself in a confrontation (and try hard to prevent parents and players from getting in one.