Dicks Sporting Goods Coupons
Dicks 20% Off - Valid 8/23/24 to 8/25/24
Dicks Additional Offers - Valid 4/29/24 to 12/31/24
FSC Socks
We still have our FSC Socks (both styles) available in both Youth and Adult sizes. $10 each. To purchase, please contact fairportsoccersocialmedia@gmail.com
FSC Community Soccer Grant
Covid-19 Guidelines
The purpose of these guidelines is to give our players the best possible chance of being able to compete safely during these trying times. We realize that no matter what we do, the act of playing soccer involves a certain level of risk, even in the best of times. Anyone who is uncomfortable with these risks should not be participating. For the rest of us, this is what we can do together to minimize the risk of playing this season. If everyone involved takes this guidance seriously, we hope to complete a successful season.
Please review the Covid-19 Guidelines here. With your support, we are confident the outdoor season will be a success for all.
In addition, the following applies to indoor training at The Game (formerly Turin):
- Drop off at the front of the parking lot 5 minutes prior to start and Pick Up at the back
- FSC and The Game (formerly Turin) align with the school masking policy.